Suspicious guys are normally a dead giveaway to nefarious plots. I, however, feel the spirit of SCIENCE welling up inside me.

Dialogue of a dark nature is also a giveaway to dastardly intent. I ignore these hints for SCIENCE! I purchase a bunch of Darkberries.

Many high-calibre minds meet in TC to watch this experiment and gain knowledge from it. I begin the first test, ingestion of a Bunch of Darkberries.

I find that Darkberries are a cunning trap! Instant death to something "Unknown".

The result? PND (pretty near dead) or, in the plainly spoken words of one healer... "Dude, you're fucked". I move that the message for any eater of Darkberries is henceforth "DYF".

The spirit of SCIENCE takes hold and theories and explanations are brought forth.

The first few attempts to heal fail horribly. Two solutions are voiced: dump in Abyss 2 or assemble a million horus in TC.

Crius calls for more healers and we remember about Stora! Stora will be the tipping point!

Healers crawl out from every nook and cranny. The verdict remains the same: EPIC FAIL.

A mathematical equation of my situation is created by Sploof. A different take on SCIENCE but a correct theorem nonetheless.

Overcome with emotion, Leighton breaks down. SCIENCE is a harsh mistress. I am still PND.

Leighton comes up with the same conclusion as me. Yes, SCIENCE is temperamental.

Everyone comes to the same conclusion. All my base are belong to Berrycide.
The experiment is a success in some way and a failure in others. Around 3000 horus was assembled and that failed to do anything even with an OE on. Berrycide is pretty much a guaranteed depart unless there is Divine Intervention from the GMs. We tested several different ways of healing and did not succeed. For SCIENCE!