The group then proceeded to Camp Dred, where the group was going to fight its way past Orgas and Weirdly Named Orgas and Orgas Of Unusual Size. There were sufficient amounts of Scary-sized Orgas that even the Ubers couldn't establish and hold the breach necessary for the swarm of Midbies and Newbies to descend with righteous fury upon and fall around said Orgas. Instead, us in the Newb/Midbie range were waiting patiently for the Ubers to clear the PF for us. I don't really remember this part cause I was busy chasing rats and fooling around. What!?! Waiting is boring!
Eventually, somehow, it was decided that the 2 full mystics would teleport people into the back way or something. Remember, I was playing with rats... Anyways. This meant that only 48 or so exiles could go. As most of the Newbie/Midbies didn't need the book, we were effectively cut from the team. Gustave took pity on TRAP et al (NEEEEEWBS!) and decided to take us to Noids. Arming ourselves with a Bitchin' Really Awesome Heal-o-Tron Zeta (hence forth known as the Brahtz), we valiantly plunged forth into the dark cavern.
Being a TRAP adventure, we fell alot but still managed to progress through the cavern.
Did I mention we fell alot?

Not being satisfied, Iriel, Brahtz, Trowl and I went out for an excursion to the Tro'ol Village. We fell during a planning powwow and the Tro'ols mocked us mercilessly.

This resulted in important truths being revealed and accepted.

Then poses were had by all and everything was good.

I learn of Brahtz's humanitarian nature and his concern for other exiles' well-being!
We then tried to return to TC. Suddenly, we were ambushed! I was enthusiastically optimistic at first but Trowl's failing health cause me to inquire as to what his plan was. His answer chilled me to my Thoomish skeleton. I saw the crafty plan within the non-plan though.

Soon after, the Trillbane hunt ended. We ended up getting rescued by some intrepid exile who was soloing the Tro'ol mines. Damn Ubers... they're just so cute, you really can't stay mad at them.
I think you are rewriting somewhat freely here; by "cooler" he obviously meant you weren't dressed for the chilly weather! And who am I to disagree on such an obvious observation?
ReplyDeleteAnd Trowl tried to kittyrape the T'rools? I coulda told ya that was doomed.
You also forgot to mention how I was left to rot all by my lonesome awesome self *sulk*
But indeed, all in all, a proud day for Teh Most Elite Clan & associates! Much TRAPping and falling was had by all :D